
Google Trends (2023.04.12) -

미생 note 2024. 4. 20. 11:27

Top Trends

All trends US and from the past day unless otherwise noted



  • Search interest in “caitlin clark shoe deal” spiked +250% in the US in the past day
  • txt cereal” is the top trending “where to buy…” search in the US over the past day
  • masters egg salad” is the top trending salad searched over the last week in the US, and is being searched more than ever before this April


Top searched “promposal for …”

past week, US

  1. Friends
  2. Best friend
  3. Boyfriend
  4. Girlfriend
  5. Softball player

Top searched prom dress colors

past week, US

  1. Black
  2. Red
  3. Purple
  4. Pink
  5. Green 

Top prom how to’s

past week, US

  1. How to make a prom bouquet
  2. How to make a corsage for prom
  3. How to ask a girl to prom
  4. How to ask someone to prom
  5. How to make a boutonniere

Top prom “should i…”

past week, US

  1. How many days before prom should I get a spray tan
  2. How long before prom should I ask someone
  3. What color should I wear to prom
  4. Should I go to prom without a date
  5. What should I wear to prom